
Our 10-year strategic plan.


Discover the Rice Experience

We are committing to unparalleled excellence as we work to become the premier university in the world for teaching and research. We won’t do it like any other institution. We will do it with humanity for the good of humankind. We will do it on a personalized scale as only Rice can.

The Rice Experience is our excellence and also our culture of care — the close interactions between faculty and students, the interdisciplinary connectedness of our fields of study, the commitment and ownership to Rice and our community.


Only Rice

There are moments that change us. There are moments that change the future. This is that moment for our university.

bioengineering student in labshepherd school of music student on stage

We are making a statement and a courageous commitment about what can and will be for Rice, for our faculty and students, for our greater community, and for our world. It is in this moment that we commit to becoming the premier university in the world for teaching and research. We won’t approach this ambition like any other institution. We will do it with humanity for the good of humankind. We will do it on a personalized scale as only Rice can. We will do it in the heart of the most diverse city in the nation — one of the largest human laboratories in the world — bringing together disparate industries to serve as a catalyst as we begin to confront and address some of the most challenging issues facing our world. Our pursuits in teaching, discovery, and research will lead innovations in health, generate sustainable futures, and build thriving urban communities.

We will leverage our curiosity and the uniqueness that is Rice, an unparalleled commitment to the person, and a distinct ability to work across disciplines, across industries, and across communities. We are undeterred as we take the best of Rice forward and earn our place on a global platform.

We are energized. We see opportunity. We see ideas. We see discovery. We see collaboration. We see answers. We see a different future. A future with Rice at the heart — bringing people, ideas, artificial intelligence, cultures, leadership, institutions, and solutions together.

If not us, who? If not now, when? It is our time. Our moment. We are striving for the most personalized education in the world — to us, it is our pursuit of unparalleled excellence. And, together, we will get there as only Rice can.